It would make perfect sense why the Dragon or Civil Authority (secondary sense) in Revelation 12:17 will only be wrought with Seventh-Day Adventists and not Adventists. For Adventist and Sunday worshippers to end up in the same letter that is speaking to Resting on Sunday or the reverencing of Sunday by No Movement should sound clear warnings. Whether by Error or not that a Government body could not type out the word Seventh-Day Adventist God allowed such to happen that the "wise may understand" that it is time to have His name and represent it.
Counter Terrorism– Means anyone who preaches judgement and coming destruction, as in the case of the pastor, which the church is called to do.Elijah was called a troubler of the people because he dared declare the judgements of God.
Organized Crime– Small groups not a part of state churches are mostly not in unison with the state in values and pursuits.It is now an offence under the DRM Act in Jamaica to gather outside of the prescription of the government and according to the word of God and one’s conscience.