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Vaccines are the Perfect Pathogenic Primer! - Part 2

Immune System briefly explained

To inform your ignorance and illuminate the darkness of your mind, from here on I will use the autoimmune disease: Multiple Sclerosis as an example to give clarity to my reasoning. The so-called mysterious MS disease can incapacitate an individual, making it difficult or impossible to perform certain motorial action, but like every disease, the effect will vary to a high degree according to each person’s lifestyle and the integrity of their immune system. Therefore, to understand the underline cause of MS, one must first understand how the immune system works and what is meant by the term autoimmune disease.

The immune system was design by God to defend our body's constitution. Therefore, this is a formidable system that God has devised to protect us from bacteria and viruses. However, interestingly enough, in today's culture we are so quick to underestimate the immune system’s ability to heal the body. This is because we have believed the lies of the pharmaceutical companies. These companies invest so much money into an advertisement to make us doubt the fact that our body can heal itself without their drugs. 

However, it is interesting to know that when the tissue-resident immune cells known as mast cells are activated; they play a crucial role in the body at the high of microbial infection to generate protective innate host responses by attracting other immune cells to the area. Additionally, they influence the initiation of adaptive immune responses in which up to 80 million antibodies can be produced per second in host responses to an intruder.

The immune system is an interconnected component of cells, tissues, and organs. The immune cells exert their vital energy to defend the body against attacks from foreign invaders. These are primarily germs: a minute life form, especially a disease-causing bacterium or virus. Our body provides the perfect environment for many germs or microbes to live and replicate, so they make themselves uninvited guests. Naturally it is part of our immune system's biologic makeup to prevent them from entering, but if unable to do so, usually it deploys a search-and-destroy team in the form of the adaptive immunity. However, if the lining of the small intestine is breached, you will certainly know it because of the often-persistent bodily disorder or disease such as allergies, rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, lupus, and other immune dysfunction that will occur.

Our immune system is composed of three main things: the thymus gland, bone marrow, and the lymphoid tissues. They all have their own function, but together with the support of the auxiliary immune system (i.e. skin, tear gland, mouth and throat, respiratory track, stomach with its hydrochloric acid, small and large intestine) they provide a natural defense for the body. The organ of the immune system is positioned throughout the body; its components are: white blood cells (WBC) such as neutrophils, monocytes and granulocytes, antibodies, lymphocytes, the spleen, tonsils and adenoids, thymus gland, appendix, lymph fluid, lymph vessels, nodes and ducts.

Lymphocytes are the key players of the immune system. They can travel throughout the body using either the blood vessels or the lymphatic system. The lymphatic system is made up of tissues, and vessels, which serves as a transport system for the lymph fluid and WBC to reach the blood stream. Like small creeks runs into larger and larger rivers, in like manner, the lymphatic vessels feed into larger and larger blood vessels that merge at the neck into two large ducts, which discharge its contents into the blood stream.

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The immune system has the innate ability to identify the body's own cells or foreign tissue. Therefore, it generally does not attack cells that carry self-marker molecules that it recognises. Now when your immune cell encounters a cell or organism with a sequence of protein or an antigen that say foreign, with little or no delay, they will make a strategic advance to destroy it.  In plain language, an antigen is a marker molecule and can be either self or non-self.

Under normal circumstances, non-self-antigens are responsible for triggering an immune response; this can be a germ such as any disease-producing agent, like a bacterium or even a tiny piece of a live or dead pathogenic cell mixed with toxic heavy metals inoculated to stimulate the production of antibodies.

White blood cells derived either from the bone marrow, lymph nodes or spleenbe it T-cells, B-cell or any of the other types of granulocyte (Eosinophils, Macrophage, Basophils, Mast cells, Neutrophils, and Dendritic cells) that engulf pathogens and aid in the healing process after a non-specific or specific immune response. A simple knock on the head or a burn to the hand or extremely cold weather or exposure to various forms of radiation, and pathogen can trigger a non-specific response.

The thymus gland is the site of maturation of the chief immune cell; T-lymphocytes (T-cells), which are formed from stem cells in the bone marrow and later, migrate to the thymus to develop, hence the name T-cell. There are two types of specific response, and the T-cell is a type of WBC, which is responsible for cell-mediated immunity: an immune response chiefly against viral or fungal invasions or transplanted foreign tissue.

Let me paint you a picture. When a macrophage encounters a pathogen, it engulfs the intruder and destroys it with oxidants and nitric oxide; or it does what is called an antigen presentation by raising a signal in the form of an antigen from the ingested microbe and alert the T-cells by releasing a chemical call cytokine.

Now, once the T-cell reaches the site of infection; it scans the part of the ingested material or antigen that the macrophage brought back to its surface to build future immunity. Yes, all immune cells have an excellent working relationship, so once a macrophage presents a microbe that has infected the body; the T-cell becomes cognitive of that specific microbe due to the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) a set of cell surface proteins, polysaccharides, and glycoprotein essential for memory T-cells to recognize foreign molecules in the body and as such it directs the body's specific defence system against it and anything that bears structural protein sequence similarities of the intruding molecule or microbes, be it even your own body tissue. 

At this point, the T-cells undergo a strategic change and begin to produce powerful chemicals. These substances allow the cells to regulate their own growth and behaviour. Thus, they begin to proliferate in the infected area and organise themselves into sets and sub sets passing information back and forth like clouds of bees swarming around a hive. One set, known as the memory T-cells take a mental note about the type of antigen for future defense; and another set known as killer T-cells attack the organism or the infected cell head on, using cytotoxins. Proteins called lymphokines.

The battle is not over. One more set known as helper T-cells signal the B-cells to activate the other specific response called antibody-mediated immunity, which attract other macrophage cell to the site to engulf and digest debris and the invading microorganisms.

The antibody-mediate defense is carried out remotely by B lymphocyte (B-cell), which acts as the sniper of the immune system. B-cell is another type of WBC, which multiplies in the presence of an antigen and produces a class of proteins within the lymph tissue called gamma globulins, a plasma protein containing the immunoglobulin that functions as antibodies. An antibody attaches, itself specifically to the invader it was made to neutralize, tagging it for destruction by the killer cell, a type of lymphocyte.

Some B-cells also retain memory of whatever antigen they encountered for future defense. So, both the T-cells and the B-cells possess the ability to recognize any pathogen, even if they never encountered them before simply by scanning the MHC distinctive antigens, which are marker molecules on their surface to determine histocompatibility. Once the invading microbe has been dealt with by the K-cell, it is the suppressor T-cell’s duty to prevent any further inflammation. Suppressor T-cell is one of the sub groups of T-cells. They have the ability to inhibit the inflammatory response of the other cells.


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Vaccines are the Perfect Pathogenic Primer! - Part


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