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Vaccines are the Perfect Pathogenic Primer! - Part 4

Pathogenic priming 

Here lies the pathogenesis of autoimmune disease like MS, ADHD, Lupus, Rheumatic fever, Rheumatoid Arthritis and many other chronic and fatal illnesses. Yes, believe it or not, vaccination although referred to as immune enhancement medicines that enhances your immune system to quickly recognise and deal with certain pathogens, they are really intended to pathogenically prime the body for what is scientifically known as molecular mimicry..

The exogenic (external) forces, intestinal hyperpermeability (leaky gut syndrome), an imbalance microbiome, and the homologous matching between human proteins in our body and the viral or bacterial immunogenic peptides in vaccines are largely glossed over as the underlying factors that lead to individuals experiencing hyperimmune responses and subclinical levels of bacterial endotoxins, which give rise to inflammation throughout their bodies causing a large group of degenerative illness, like autoimmune diseases.

From cause to effect

Allow me to use the words of Dr. Tom O’Brian to explain how leaky gut leads to an autoimmune condition. This says the good doctor in his online interview with Clint Paddison. “Think of a donut, if you could stretch a donut out and you look down into the hole of the donut it is one long tube; that is your intestine. When you eat food and swallow food it is not in the body it is still in the tube, it has to go through the walls of the tube to get into the blood stream.” The good doctor used a donut to make reference to the entire gastrointestinal tract; the tubular passage from the mouth to the anus.

Carrying on with his explanation, he had this to say about the micro villi. “The inside of the tube is lined with shagged carpeting, it is called microvilli. This shag is where calcium is absorbed, this shag vitamin C, this shag the good fats, and this shag the proteins. All the shags absorb different nutrients.”

Reaching a pivotal juncture in his explanation, Tom O’Brian said, “The shags are covered with a cheese cloth” and to make himself comprehensible even to the average person, he spoke about how our grandmother would use a cheese cloth as a sieve for separating lumps from her gravy to ensure she gets a smooth liquid consistency with no lumps in the final product. Thus, the use of a cheese cloth as a filter provides an interesting analogy to the working of the mucus membrane of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT).

To paint the bigger picture about how gut permeability leads to autoimmune dysfunction, allow me to freely exercise my penmanship repeating Dr. Tom O’Brian dialogue, obit not verbatim. As food comes down the GIT our enzymes act like scissors to cut the foods smaller and smaller until they are small enough to pass through the mucus membrane that functions like a cheese cloth, lining the small and large intestine some 20 to 25 feet all the way through, allowing only properly digested foods into the shag like micro villi and into the blood stream. Conversely, the same mechanisms prevent partially digested foods from entering into the blood stream.

Now, when you get a tear in the mucus membrane that functions like a cheese cloth and undigested proteins like casein from milk slip through the tear in the tight junctions of the mucus membrane into the blood stream this is called leaky gut syndrome; and when you develop leaky gut it means the auxiliary defence of the body is breached. When that happens, the brain sounds an alarm to launch the body’s main defence, the immune system. Because the brain cannot use any of the undigested casein to construct new materials for the body, such as, hormones or various types of cell, the brain sounds the alarm to get rid of them.

As the white blood cells of the immune system respond to the order from the brain to treat the partially digested casein in the blood stream as intruders; they make antibodies to destroy the casein proteins. Now you are allergic to dairy because every time you eat dairy products your immune system sends out an army of antibodies into the busy thoroughfare of the blood stream and these soldiers are relentless in their pursuit to protect you from the partially digested proteins that keeps entering the blood stream via the tear in the mucus membrane.

To protect you, the immune cells make 5 types of immuno-globulin that function as antibodies for different responses in different areas in the body, which are: igA (is the principal isotype in the mucus epithelium of the intestinal and respiratory tracts secretions), igE (bound by receptors on mast cells in connective tissue), igG (is the principal isotype in the blood and in all body fluids), igM (is mainly found in the blood and to a lesser degree in the lymph), and igD (in the plasma membranes of immature B-lymphocytes); and each antibody react only to the intruder it was produced to eliminate. So, every antibody that moves through the bumper to bumper one lane traffic in the busy thoroughfare of the blood stream, fires at a glance their lethal chemical bullets as they are trained to do, only at the clump of partially broken-down casein proteins with a particular amino acid bond sequence.

Now, due to some protein sequence similarities between the partially digested casein proteins in the blood stream and the body’s own proteins, it leads to what is called cross-reactive immune response. This cross-reactive immune response occurs when the antibodies are passing through the blood stream looking for the particular amino acid bond sequence that makes up the undigested casein proteins; and as they pass, let us say, through the pancreas, they see sequence or structural similarities shared between the dangerous undigested casein molecules and the proteinaceous tissue of the beta cells that form the endocrine part of the pancreas in the islets of Langerhans, so they unleash an autoreactive response against the beta cells (they produce Insulin), destroying them.

The sequence or structural homology shared between the casein molecules and the tissue within the pancreas is referred to as molecular mimicry. Molecular mimicry is why the immune system go about seemingly treating the cells in the body as transplanted tissues, when all it is actually doing is trying to remove the useless molecules from the body, but due to the underlining quadruple mechanism for every autoimmune response at work: endogenic stressors such as genetic vulnerability, ubiquitous exogenic environmental variables, bacterial endotoxins and leaky gut, tolerance is broken; and in the immune cell’s earnest and conscientious activity, the beta cells in the pancreas are destroyed by pathogen derived peptides resulting in type 1 diabetes mellitus.

What determines the type of autoimmune disorder one develops is where the cross-reactivity occurs in the body. If it takes place in the surface of the connective tissue of the joints facing the blood stream you will develop arthritis; and in the case of MS, the cross-reactivity of autoreactive immune cells destroy the myeline tissue in the brain and spinal cord and interrupt the flow of life-giving energy to the body. So, from appearances alone, MS and a large group of other diseases that produce antibodies against your own tissues is characterized as a dysfunction of the immune system.


Affiliated Article: 

Vaccines are the Perfect Pathogenic Primer! - Part 1


Essential Reading Material:

To learn how have strong a immune system, get the book Natural remedies encyclopedia




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